Thursday, August 29, 2013

Beowulf Questions.

This was the section I took on along with my group, consisting of Amara Sharp, Breanna Timmons, Sara Stevens, Whitney Houg, and Rachel Nolan. 

[BeowulfAttackstheDragon](lines 2510-2820, pp. 86-92) Connor Albright
1.What does Beowulf tell his companions to do?
Beowulf tells his companions to come with him to slay the dragon.
2.What happens the first time Beowulf and the dragon fight? Beowulf breaks his sword on the dragon's scales.  What do his companions do?  Beowulf's troop abandons him before the fight starts. How is Wiglaf different? Wiglaf doesn't leave his lord's side and chastises the others for fleeing in the face of danger. What does he tell the others? Wiglaf reminds the others of their oaths of loyalty to Beowulf.  What does he then do?  Wiglaf stabs the dragon in the under belly but gets his hand burned by the dragon fire.
3.What happens the second time Beowulf meets the dragon? The dragon bites Beowulf's neck and poisons him.  What happens to Beowulf? Beowulf starts to die. Who kills the dragon? Beowulf and Wiglaf kill the dragon together.
4.What does the dying Beowulf ask Wiglaf to do? Beowulf ask Wiglaf to bring some of the treasure that he liberated out to him while he dies. What happens when Beowulf sees the gold?  How does Beowulf want to be buried? Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bury him in a barrow, and name it Beowulf's Barrow.

[Beowulf's Funeral] (lines 2821-3182, pp. 92-99) Connor Albright
1.What happens when the companions return? Wiglaf is trying to revive Beowulf, but to no avail.  Wiglaf then bitterly rebukes the troop when they return, saying that all Beowulf's generosity is wasted on them.  What does he expect will happen in the future?  The cost of their cowardice, he predicts, will be greater than just the life of a great ruler. He suggests that foreign warlords will be sure to attack the Geats now that Beowulf can no longer protect them.
2.What does the messenger tell the city?   (This passage, lines 2900-3027, is the third account of the history of the Geats and the death of Hygelac. These are the enemies that will attack the Geats when they learn of Beowulf's death.)  The messenger tells them of Beowulf’s death and warns them that the hostile Franks and the Frisians will most certainly attack them. He expresses concern about the Swedes as well, who have a long-held grudge against the Geats; he relates the history of their feud and tells how the Geats secured the last victory. Without Beowulf to protect them, the messenger predicts, the Geats risk invasion by Swedes. What does the messenger say to do with the gold? What is the final image (animal) of the messenger's speech?  The herald speaks of a wolf in reference to the dragon.
3.What does Wiglaf tell the crowd that comes to see the dragon and Beowulf?
4.What happens to the dragon? The people of the kingdom throw the burnt body of the dragon into the river by his lair.
5.What happens during and after the funeral celebration?  The people lament about their war-torn future.
6.What did the Geats say about Beowulf in the last three lines of the poem?  The people describe Beowulf as the mildest and most beloved. Are these the terms one would expect to be used to describe a military hero?  I was shocked to hear that the people thought of their great warrior king on such non-threatening terms.

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